X9Utilities Test Center — this is an example of how X9Utilities can serve as the basis for an automated x9 test center, allowing you to streamline your repetitive testing tasks. This can be accomplished by using X9Utilities (or even our SDK if you require more capabilities) as the core of tools that you would develop to meet your specific testing requirements. For example,
- X9Utilities -write can be used to create x9 test files with your own test images or where they are dynamically drawn from your test data. In fact, these two scenarios can be combined within the same test deck. This means that certain items might have specifically inserted images while others might be drawn. Using -write allows you to concentrate on the items, with all other tasks (headers, trailers, batching, totals, field alignment, variable length records, etc) all performed for you.
- X9Utilities -validate can be used to validate x9 test files and export any identified errors to a CSV output file. The x9 specification is specified on the command line. Using -validate allows you to quickly and easily identify errors on the front end, before you send x9 files through your image enabled applications.
- X9Utilities -export can be used to export data+images from x9 test files so this data can be used for additional scripting and data validation purposes. For example, you may want to ensure that account numbers are present in your test bed, or you may need to export an ICLR and use those results to update your test bed.
- X9Utilities -compare can be used to compare the contents of two x9.37 files which are expected to be the same, with any differences written to an output CSV. This is a powerful regression test facility. Fields which are expected to be different (for example time stamps in the file headers) can be optionally masked and thus excluded from the comparison.
- X9Utilities -scrub can be used to create sanitized versions of existing production files that can be used for regression testing, volume testing, or other purposes.
- X9Utilities -merge can be used to combine multiple existing test files into a single file for regression testing, volume testing, or other purposes.
Example #1 — Creating an x9.37 file with drawn test documents (with addendums):
drawImages,test1,”/$TestDocument”,”123A55001″,20140806,”John Doe”,”1234 Main Circle Dr”,”Springfield, St 88888-9999″,,,”Payee line 1″,”Payee line 2″,”Payee line 3″,”Memo line here”,”Bank name here”,”Signature line here”,”/E/line 1″,”/E/line 2″
drawImages,test1,”/TestDocument”,”123A55002″,20140806,”John Doe”,”23456 Main Circle Dr”,”Springfield, St 88888-9999″,,,”Payee line 1″,”Payee line 2″,”Payee line 3″,”Memo line here”,”Bank name here”,”Signature line here”,”/E/line 1″,”/E/line 2″

Example #2 — Creating an x9.37 file with inserted images:
t25,10002,44000001,087770706,”29602722/5526″,,,,,”c:/users/x9ware5/documents/x9_assist/files_Utilities/Test file with 2 checks reader_IMAGES/Bundle_000003/Image_000004_amount_10002_front.tif”,”c:/users/x9ware5/documents/x9_assist/files_Utilities/Test file with 2 checks reader_IMAGES/Bundle_000003/Image_000004_amount_10002_back.tif”
t25,10004,44000002,097770592,”60666044/5587″,,,,,”c:/users/x9ware5/documents/x9_assist/files_Utilities/Test file with 2 checks reader_IMAGES/Bundle_000003/Image_000010_amount_10004_front.tif”,”c:/users/x9ware5/documents/x9_assist/files_Utilities/Test file with 2 checks reader_IMAGES/Bundle_000003/Image_000010_amount_10004_back.tif”

Example #3 — Validating an x9.37 file:
The following represents the exported errors from an x9.37 file. These would be the same errors as would be displayed by X9Validator or X9Assist:
1,1,14,”Companion Document Version Indicator”,”mandatory”,”error”,”Mandatory field contains blanks”
4,25,9,”Documentation Type Indicator”,”documentationTypeIndVsCashLetter”,”error”,”Documentation type indicator differs from the cash letter header record; expecting(G) failed(CompareToCashLetterDocType)”
9,25,9,”Documentation Type Indicator”,”documentationTypeIndVsCashLetter”,”error”,”Documentation type indicator differs from the cash letter header record; expecting(G) failed(CompareToCashLetterDocType)”
15,90,3,”Items Within Cash Letter Count”,”incorrectItemCount”,”error”,”Incorrect item count; value(3) expected(2) failed(IclItemCount)”
15,90,5,”Images Within Cash Letter Count”,”incorrectImageCount”,”error”,”Incorrect image count; value(5) expected(4) failed(IclImageCount)”
Example #4 — Exporting an x9.37 file to data+images in record/ field format:
The following represents the exported data from the above x9.37 file:
01,03,”T”,555555550,123456780,20180901,0659,”N”,”BANK TWO”,”BANK ONE”,”A”,,,
52,123456780,20180901,01,44000001,,,,0,,,,,0000,,00000,,0006302,”C:/Users/X9Ware5/Documents/x9_assist/files/Test file with 2 items writer_images/Bundle_000002/Image_000005_amount_10002_front.tif”
52,123456780,20180901,01,44000001,,,,0,,,,,0000,,00000,,0001865,”C:/Users/X9Ware5/Documents/x9_assist/files/Test file with 2 items writer_images/Bundle_000002/Image_000007_amount_10002_back.tif”
52,123456780,20180901,01,44000002,,,,0,,,,,0000,,00000,,0006679,”C:/Users/X9Ware5/Documents/x9_assist/files/Test file with 2 items writer_images/Bundle_000002/Image_000010_amount_10004_front.tif”
52,123456780,20180901,01,44000002,,,,0,,,,,0000,,00000,,0001865,”C:/Users/X9Ware5/Documents/x9_assist/files/Test file with 2 items writer_images/Bundle_000002/Image_000012_amount_10004_back.tif”
Example #5 — Exporting an x9.37 file to data+images in item (parsed) format:
The following represents the exported data from the above x9.37 file:
01,03,”T”,555555550,123456780,20180901,0659,”N”,”BANK TWO”,”BANK ONE”,”A”,,,
25,10002,44000001,087770706,”29602722/5526″,,,,,,”U”,00,,,,,,,,,,,29602722,5526,,,,20180901,123456780,,”C:/Users/X9Ware5/Documents/x9_assist/files/Test file with 2 items writer_images/Bundle_000002/Image_000005_amount_10002_front.tif”,”C:/Users/X9Ware5/Documents/x9_assist/files/Test file with 2 items writer_images/Bundle_000002/Image_000007_amount_10002_back.tif”
25,10004,44000002,097770592,”60666044/5587″,,,,,,”U”,00,,,,,,,,,,,60666044,5587,,,,20180901,123456780,,”C:/Users/X9Ware5/Documents/x9_assist/files/Test file with 2 items writer_images/Bundle_000002/Image_000010_amount_10004_front.tif”,”C:/Users/X9Ware5/Documents/x9_assist/files/Test file with 2 items writer_images/Bundle_000002/Image_000012_amount_10004_back.tif”