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X9Utilities Compare

X9Utilities File Compare is designed for regression test purposes to confirm that two x9 files are logically equal. The content of both data and images will be compared. Compare has several benefits over a simple binary compare of the two files:

  • Compare requires that the items within the file be structured in the same logical order to allow the matching process to remain aligned within the two files. Positioning is internally maintained using record types and then additionally on the item amounts and item sequence numbers. There are no other assumptions or requirements for the matching process. Any missing or inserted items will be reported and optionally listed.
  • Within each item, addendums are compared and differences are reported. The number of addendums can be different and the compare will continue.
  • Individual fields can be excluded from the comparison when their content is expected to be different.
  • As part of the comparison, text files are created which contain the actual data records (excluding images) from the two files. These text files can be subsequently analyzed using your choice of DIFF tools.

Command line switch



Provides a list of one or more fields which are to be excluded from the comparison. Usage examples are -exclude:”1.6|1.7|10.7”. Note that quote marks are needed around this parameter due to the embedded “|” special character.


Deletes the records1 and records2 text files on completion.


Enables verbose mode which will list inserted and/or deleted records into the comparison results.


Enables masking of excluded fields in the text files which are created.


Use a specific x9 configuration for validation which defaults to “x9.37”. For example, the CPA 015 standard can be selected as: “-config:x9.CPA_015”.


A summary text file will be created with a suffix of “_summary.txt” in the same folder as the primary x9 file and summarizes its content.


A summary XML file will be created with a suffix of “_summary.xml” in the same folder as the primary x9 file and summarizes its content.

Exit status

Validate will set the overall run exit status as follows:

  • -2 = invalid function
  • -1 = aborted
  • 0 = run successfully with no differences
  • 1 = run successfully with unmasked differences
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