Need better X9.37 validation tools? Our products offer more value than the competition, and are trusted by more than 80% of the top-20 financial institutions in North America. Connect with us at and start a free evaluation today.


X9Ware Videos

Welcome to the index page for all X9Ware videos. We have continued to build and expand upon this list, with the intention of demonstrating the capabilities of our entire product line. There are high level demonstration videos, as well as lower-level help videos that are targeted to very specific functions. Our goal is to provide a deep level of information on capabilities and how our tools can be used. Please let us know if you have additional topics that would be helpful. Thank you for viewing!

X9Assist Demonstration Videos

Please take a quick look at our X9Assist demonstrations.

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Demo-X937 (7m)Demo-ACH (16m)Demo-CPA005 (13m)Product-Pricing (8m)

X9Vision / X9Validator / X9Assist — Specific Capabilities

We have several licensing levels of our desktop products: X9Vision, X9Validator, and X9Assist. They support the X9.37, ACH, and CPA005 file formats, which are licensed separately.

X9Vision is our basic viewer, which displays records and fields with front/back images (for x9.37 files).

X9Validator adds file/image validation, modify, repair, find, search/replace, export, merge, filtering, and IRD Print.

X9Assist expands even further with make/generate (creating test files from spreadsheets), import, create, reversals, scrub (turning production files into test files by blocking personal account information), compare, repackage, and clone.

These products are offered as 2-Seats, 5-Pack, 10-Pack, and Unlimited seats, all within your organization.

When you find a specific function as grayed-out on the toolbar, it means that your licensed product does not include that capability. For example, this would be true of our Make-Generate function within X9Validator. Just contact us for information regarding a pro-rated upgrade.

These X9Ware Videos demonstrate various X9Assist functions. You must license the appropriate product to perform specific functions. For example, Make-Generate is only available with X9Assist.

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X9Vision (5m)X9Validator (7m)X9Assist (7m)
Amend (4m)Clone (3m)Compare (8m)Create-Using-Filters (6m)Excel-Exporter (9m)Export (8m)
Export-CSV-Advanced (17m)Export-Import-Compare (13m)Export-MultiFile (5m)Filters (9m)Filters-Create-Files (6m)Filters-Merge-Export-Import (12m)
Find (5m)ICL-to-ICLR (5m)Import (9m)Item-Viewer (14m)Make-Overview (16m)Make-937 (20m)
Make-ACH (11m)Make-CPA005 (8m)Make-XLSM (6m)Merge (11m)Modify (7m)Options (12m)
Pick-List (8m)Print-Cash-Letters (6m)Print-Images (8m)Print-IRDs (12m)Print-Out-of-File-IRDs (11m)Registration-License-Keys (6m)
Registration-Export-Import (5m)Repackage (3m)Repair (6m)Reversals-ACH (7m)Reversals-CPA005 (3m)Save (7m)
Scrub-937 (17m)Scrub-ACH (7m)Scrub-CPA005 (5m)Search-Replace (14m)Tiff-Tester (4m)Validate (7m)
X9Assist-Docker (11m)
X9Vision / X9Validator / X9Assist related videos

X9Assist Editor Videos

X9Assist includes various editors that are used to maintain our internal system tables (like the Configuration Editor) or your files (like the Csv Editor). These should be considered as advanced capabilities.

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Configuration-Editor (10m)Credit-Table-Editor (15m)Csv-Editor (11m)HeaderXml937-Editor (8m)HxD-Editor (7m)Message-Editor (8m)
Rules-Editor (12m)Template-Editor (12m)Xml-Editor (6m)

X9Utilities Videos

X9Utilities provides high level functionality for x9 users who need to read and write x9 files but do not require the more extensive capabilities and complexities that are typically associated with using a full-blown SDK. X9Utilities is proven code that can perform all common functions needed within your x9.37 environment.

X9Ware SDK Videos

X9Ware SDK is our Java software development kit which provides read/write access and a large number of other functions to x9 files at both the record and field level.  The SDK classes support all common X9/ACH processing tasks. Input and output data can be processed either as files or streams (note that X9Utilities supports files only).

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SDK-Core (18m)SDK-937 (17m)SDK-ACH (7m)

X9Ware E13B-OCR Videos

X9Ware E13B-OCR is our MICR line SDK that performs character recognition, targeted to the E13B character set. This solution is 100% Java and completely developed by X9Ware. There is no usage of third-party recognition products, and no JNI interfaces to external technologies. It is all-Java and will run in any JVM environment that is Java 11 or higher (Oracle JVM or OpenJDK).

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E13B-Demo (12m)E13B-OCR (7m)E13B-Viewer (9m)

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