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to X9Vision?
to X9Validator?
to X9Assist?
| |Applies
to X937?
to ACH?
to CPA005?
NoYesYes| |YesYesYes

The Items tab provides information for each item that is present within the currently loaded file.

The items table is presented as a tree, with the items logically grouped within their respective batches, just as they are present on the actual input file. Individual batches can then be expanded or collapses as desired. More than one batch can be expanded at any given time.

The items table is helpful since it allows you to quickly see various information for each item including amount, sequence number, routing, account, auxiliary, and other extended fields which are not available within the file viewer tree. These additional columns can help to especially focus on the contents of specific batches within the input file. A “view” button is provided which allows you to drill down and launch to any specific item within the current file.

The items table is also available for both printing and the Excel exporter. Only those batches which are currently in an expanded state will be selected by those print based facilities.

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