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Now Available from X9Ware LLC: EZ-Scan Check Imaging and Processing Software

EZ-Scan® Workstation is a suite of desktop check scanning software / image software which captures and processes images from all major brands of check scanners. EZ-Scan® provides total data and image management including verification software with x9.37 file creation.

With its Plug and Play design, EZ-Scan® software can be modified by the user to add additional data fields without costly custom programming. The EZ-Scan® family of software is an economical check scanning software, data, and image capture solution which can be easily configured and / or customized for your specific needs.

ProductPurchaseProduct Features
EZ-Scan® Lite: the entry level version of EZ-Scan® Workstation.$495• All major brands of check scanners are supported.
• Images are saved to internal database.
• Batch and Check fields are captured and stored.
• Up to 2GB database/image storage.
• Built- in viewer with search capabilities.
• Built- in check field verifier.
• Import capabilities.
• Built- in reporting capabilities.
• Application-level security.
• Optional MICR repair tool (Uses OCR to correct misread MICR).
EZ-Scan® Standard: the mid level version of EZ-Scan® Workstation.$1,295 base• All of EZ-Scan Lite features plus…
• Images may be stored to database or file system.
• User definable database location (Allows switching between databases).
• Email capability.
• Export capabilities.
• Customizable Batch fields with search ability (Up to five additional Batch fields).
• MICR repair tool (Uses OCR to correct misread MICR).
EZ-Scan® Professional: the full featured version of EZ-Scan® Workstation.$3,495 base• All of EZ-Scan Standard features plus…
• Customizable Batch fields with search ability (Up to twenty- five additional Batch fields).
• Customizable Item fields with search and verify ability (Up to twenty- five additional Item fields).
• Archiving module to move items offline.
• Manages multiple storage devices.
• Multi- user accessible.
• User- level security.
• Optional CAR/LAR ability.
• Optional OCR-MICR validation feature (Repairs misread or rotated items using multiple OCR engines).
• Optional Browser-based viewer (No client software to maintain).
EZ-Scan Remit: the full featured version of EZ-Scan® Workstation.$7,995 base• All of EZ-Scan Professional features plus…
• Great in-house lockbox replacement.
• Capability of capturing both the remittance document and the check images and data.
• Output a datafile to your existing accounting software.
• Extremely efficient and will decrease data entry time.

Our X9Ware tools work well as an extension to the scanning capabilities provided by EZ-Scan. For example:

  • X9Vision can be used to view the x9.37 files that are created by EZ-Scan for delivery to your financial institution.
  • X9Validator can be used if there are needs to modify the created x9.37 files, export their data, or print IRDs.
  • X9Assist can be if there are needs for even more extensive x9.37 desktop tools such as the test data creation or x9.37 file compares.

Please contact us for more information regarding the EZ-Scan family of check scanner products.

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