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Create New Files

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X9Assist contains several very powerful tools that you can use to easily construct or re-manufacture files, either from scratch or from data that is contained within existing files. This functionality works for all supported file dialects, subject to your user license.

  • Make creates a new file (x9, ach, cpa005) from a use case file (XLS, XLSX, XLSM, CSV) which describes the items to be created.
  • Generate creates a new file from an items file which is typically created by Make.
  • Scrub is a parameter-based sanitization tool that removes PII (personally identifiable information) to create a file that could be used for internal testing purposes.
  • Create uses selected items from an existing file to create a new file.
  • Import allows a new file to be created from a user supplied CSV file which represents the exact content of the new file on a record by record and field by field basis.
  • Export allows the content of an existing file to be written in a variety of formats, allowing the data to be processed by user written applications. In its most simplistic form, exported data can be subsequently used as input to our Import tool.

Make is a file generation tool that allows you to create new files from an item file (that we refer to as the use case file) which is defined as either XLS, XLSX, or CSV. There are unique processes and transactional formats for x9 versus ach.

  • For x9, the items and ultimately the constructed x9 files from scratch from individual MICR line use cases, without having to encode and capture checks. Both ICL (forward presentment) and ICLR (returns) are supported. The x9 files created by Make will have type 25/31 records where the MICR line data will match their corresponding tiff images in the type 52 records. When using Make, you define use cases which represent each check to be created. Make is built on top of our Generate tools, which will create a TIFF image for each use case where the use case data (amount, check number, ABA, account number, payee, memo line, etc) is utilized to dynamically draw the corresponding image. This means that your application systems can successfully perform code line match of the image to the x9 MICR data. The courtesy and legal amounts that are present on the check will also match the x9 records. All of this can be accomplished without having to encode and capture items.
  • For ach, use case files and their associated reformatters are utilized to construct output ach files for all standard entry class codes. This make process can create one or more addenda records for those entry classes which allow them to be attached to the items. You have complete control over all data fields within the file header, batch header, entry detail, and addenda records, where the hash codes needed within the trailers are computed automatically. You have complete control over batch creation and there is no limit on the number of items in the constructed files.

Generate is file generation tool that allows you to new files from scratch based on your specific testing requirements. Make is used to create items from a use case file, while Generate is used to wrap those items with the headers and trailers as needed by a valid file. The power of Generate comes from its ability to manufacture an x9 file where the x9 data matches the images that are contained within the x9 file. This is accomplished by dynamically drawing check images using information from the type 25, 31, and 61 records. Generate allows you to define and save configurations that control the header record definitions, endorsements, image generation, and other options that provide reuse from session to session for your commonly performed activities. Generate input can be either Make output, exported x9 data (as created by X9Assist), or CSV files that are created by your applications.

Scrub is a file sanitization tool that will remove proprietary information from the currently loaded file. Scrub will examine and replace both customer and bank confidential fields within the file. Scrub can also sanitize the images within x9 files where they are optionally redrawn from the actual data, allowing them to remain value for CAR/LAR validation. The scrub process is very helpful when you want to use an existing file as the basis to create a new file which will be used for testing or other internal purposes. Scrub is also very beneficial when you need to share the content of a file with a business partner, but you do NOT want to share customer information such as account numbers or other confidential data. Scrub will consistently update various record types and fields based on a a standard list of available cleansing actions that can be selected. For example, if you are scrubbing user or reserved fields, then those fields will be sanitized (replaced with spaces) across all record types that contain those specific field types. Please let us know if you have additional scrub actions that you feel are missing that we can add to X9Assist.

Create can be used to create a new file using one or items from the currently loaded file. Input can be either the entire file or a filter that contains the specific items to be included or excluded in the new file. Filters may be created using the PickList, Find, or Search functions. For x9 files, there is the ability to transform ICL files to ICLR or similarly ICLR to ICL. You can create the new file directly from the selected items or you can instead route the items through the Generate function. If you create the file on a direct basis, then the selected items will be written exactly as they appear within the current file (including all attached addendums and images). Items remain as they appear in the original file (cash letters and batches/bundles). Repackage can be used to further consolidate the batches when that is desired. You can alternatively create the new file through the Generate function. When this option is selected, the items are reformatted into CSV and then routed through Generate for subsequent reformatting. The attributes and reformatting of these items is controlled by a Generate Configuration which is user defined and can be saved for repetitive reuse. You have complete control of all headers, trailers, and item level batching. A common use of this tool is to use PickList to select individual items from an original file and to then create a new file that either includes or excludes those specific items.

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