Applies to X9Vision? | Applies to X9Validator? | Applies to X9Assist? | | | | Applies to X937? | Applies to ACH? | Applies to CPA005? |
No | Yes | Yes | | | | Yes | No | No |

The cash letter tab provides summary information for each cash letter that is present within the currently loaded file. Although most x9 files contain a single cash letter, there are implementations which use individual cash letters to separate and group items based on presentment requirements. Despite the reality that all x9 specifications support multiple cash letters within a single file, this facility is infrequently used.
A typical application is associated with x9 file aggregation. In that scenario, the current x9 file may contain information from a variety of other x9 files, where the original cash letters have been retained to explicitly define their origination and destination routing numbers. For those situations, this summary is very useful.
All columns in the cash letter summary are sortable, allowing you to quickly find any cash letter based on item count or amount. Error counters (error, warn, info) are provided which summarize the errors which were identified during validation. The summary includes the number of items and total amount. You can use the “line” column to resort into the original sequence. A “view” button is provided which allows you to drill down and launch to any cash letter within the x9 file.
Bundle (X9) column information is as follows:
- Cash letter identifier
- Record number
- Error severity icon
- Number of batches
- Number of validation errors, warnings, and informational messages
- Number of debits and credits (calculated from actual content)
- Total dollar amount of debits and credits (calculated from actual content)
- Destination routing and ECE institution routing
- Contact name and phone number
- Average front and back image sizes
- Maximum front and back image sizes
- Minimum front and back image sizes