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ACH 820 Payment Data

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to X9Assist?
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to X9.37?
to ACH?
to CPA005?
YesYesYes| |NoYesNo
ACH 820 Payments v1

AchValidator and AchAssist include standard capabilities which both parse and validate the content of EDI 820 payment data that is embedded within CTX/CCD type 7 addenda records.

The EDI 820 payment is an electronic document that trading partners use to share payment or order remittance advice. Typically, an EDI 820 payment is issued by a buyer after the receipt of an invoice (EDI 810). The EDI 820 is used to to facilitate communication between the trading partners including Payer/Payee identification, Invoice numbers, Bank and account identification, Invoice adjustments, and Billed/Paid amounts.

This 820 payment information is essentially a running string of data segments that is spread across a series of type 7 addenda records. Given that format, the segments can be extremely difficult to read and understand given that any given segment can be split across multiple type 7 addenda records that are attached to any given item.

AchValidator/AchAssist include facilities the use of 820 payment data with the type 7 addenda records, as follows:

  • The 820 segments message string is parsed and displayed within the Field Viewer as individual segments, which makes it much easier to view the 820 message content.
  • The individual 820 segments and the fields that exist within each segment is validated per commonly used message formats between buyer and seller. The validation rules that are used to implement this validation are XML based, allowing this facility to be improved over time and also customized per specific customer requirements.

The results of both the 820 segment parsing and 820 segment validation is included within our Field Viewer. This approach allows the parsed and validated message segments to be viewed in against the type 7 addenda records, exactly as they are present within the ACH file.

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