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X9Utilities ImagePull

X9Utilities ImagePull is designed to extract images from a series of x9 files driven by a user supplied pick list which identifies the specific items to be pulled. This function is designed to allow a large number of images to be pulled in a single run across a large number of x9 files. Items are identified using an input CSV file which is provided on the command line. Extracted images are written to an output image folder in the same byte format as they are present on the input x9 file. There is no attempt to either validate or transform the images. By default, front images will be written for each selected item. Back side images can be enabled using a command line switch.


ImagePull reorganizes the pick list by x9 file and then dispatches the image extraction process to a series of background threads which are run in parallel. In support of optimization, each x9 file is only read once. The reading process for any single x9 file is terminated when all requests for that individual file have been satisfied. The picklist is a CSV and must be formatted as follows:

1MandatoryFully qualified x9 file name enclosed in quotes and always using forward slash as file separators.“c:/user/folder/fileName”
2MandatoryItem sequence number for the item to be pulled as identified on the type 25 (check) or type 31 (return) item.44000001
3OptionalItem amount as a further qualifier for the item to be pulled (specified as numeric and without leading zeroes.10000

Output CSV

An output CSV is created which identifies the images which have been extracted for each pull request. The output CSV includes the fully qualified file name for each image as well as various fields which are associated with the item group. The output CSV is written in the same sequence as the input picklist, regardless of how the items had to be internally reorganized for the pull process. The output CSV (by default) contains the following fields:

ColumnField NameContent
1x9fileNameX9 file name as echoed from the pull request.
2itemSequenceNumberItem sequence number as echoed from the pull request.
3frontImageFully qualified name of the extracted front image file.
4backImageFully qualified name of the extracted back image file.
5recordTypeRecord type for the selected item group.
6recordNumberRecord number of the selected item group within the x9 file.
7auxOnUsAuxiliary OnUs field from the item record.
8epcExternal processing code from the item record.
9payorRoutingPayor routing from the item record.
10payorRoutingCheckDigitPayor routing check digit from the item record.
11onusOnUs from the item record.
12amountAmount from the item record.
13bofdIndicatorBOFD indicator from the item record.
14returnLocationRoutingReturn location routing number from the bundle header record.
15bofdDateBOFD from the first BOFD addendum record.
16bofdRoutingBOFD routing from the first BOFD addendum record.
17imageCreatorRoutingImage creator date from the first type 50 record.
18imageCreatorDateImage creator date from the first type 50 record.
19returnReasonReturn reason from the type 31 return record.

Extracted Image File Names

ImagePull will format the file name for each extracted images into a standardized and fully qualified format that includes the complete file system path. In certain error situations, the image file name is replaced by a constant string to identify a specific error condition as follows:

  • “file-not-found”: the x9 file associated with this picklist item was not found.
    “item-not-found”: the item was not found based on the provided criteria within the identified x9 file.
  • “item-no-image”: the item was found but did not have an attached image.
  • “file-aborted”: internal error occurred during the processing of the identified x9 file and the image is not available. More information on the error can be found in the created system log.

Error CSV

An error CSV is created for each ImagePull run which identifies those items which could not be pulled. The error CSV is always created and will be empty when there are no errors for a given processing run. The error CSV is created in the output CSV folder with the same named appended with “_ERRORS”. This file can be used to analyze why images were not pulled for specific items and can be used as input for a subsequent ImagePull run should those error conditions be corrected. The format of the error CSV file is as follows:

  • fileName: x9 file name as echoed from the pull request
  • itemSequenceNumber: item sequence number as echoed from the pull request
  • amount: amount from the item record
  • CSV input line number: line number of this request on the input CSV request file
  • error condition: description of error encountered for this error request

XML parameter file

An XML parameter file can be optionally provided to control the fields that are written to the output CSV file. When not provided, the output CSV will be created in our standard format with all available fields. The XML parameter file can be used to limit the fields that are included or to change the sequence of those fields. An example XML parameter definition is as follows:

<?xml version=”1.0″ encoding=”UTF-8″?>”
<copyright>X9Ware LLC 2013 2014</copyright>

Command Line SwitchDescription
-config:Use a specific x9 configuration for validation which defaults to “x9.37”. For example, the CPA 015 standard can be selected as: “-config:x9.CPA_015”.
-parms:Specifies an optional xml parameter file which identifies the fields to be included in the output CSV and the order that those fields will be written. Fields are identified by name and must be selected from a list of system available field names. When omitted, ImagePull will include all available output fields in a predetermined order.
-crInclude selection of images for record credit record type 61 and 62.
-ibPull and write back side images; the default is to omit back side images.
-ixA time stamp (date and time) is appended to the output image folder name to make it unique for each image pull run.
-icThe output image folder for this run will be cleared when it already exists. This process will only remove TIFF files since those are the only expected file extensions which would be expected to exist in the output image folder.
-iaOverride to forcibly not abort when the output image folder is not empty. If you do not set this override switch, ImagePull will abort if the output image folder exists and contains one or more files (regardless of extension). The default action is to abort. This abort situation can be avoided through use of either the “ix” switch to append a time stamp to the image folder name (making it unique) or the “if” switch to clear the output image folder when it is determined to exist.
-lWill list all type 25 and type 31 x9 records to the system log.
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