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SDK Evaluations

X9Ware SDK Evaluations include all needed documentation including the associated JavaDoc. To request an evaluation, please send your name and company name to and we will provide follow up information and schedule your evaluation. All SDK evaluations will also include an X9Assist evaluation license key, so you can take a look at our desktop products as well. We recommend that all SDK and X9Utilities customers have either X9Validator or X9Assist, so they will have the tools they need to support their production environment. As an alternative, we otherwise will offer a discounted version of our X9Vision viewer for use within your organization.

X9Ware has strived to minimize the inclusion of open source products within the SDK. This effort results in several benefits including a reduced software footprint, fewer software dependencies, a reduced potential for release level conflicts across multiple applications when running within a shared JVM, and out attempt to minimize our dependency and use of open source tools. Our JAR requirements for the SDK are as follows:

Product and Release LevelPurpose and Comments
SLF4J; we are using 1.7.7 but the requirement is release 1.7.5 or higher. There are SLF4J efficiencies implemented with 1.7.5 so this is a minimum level to be used for your environment.Per the SLF4J web site: The Simple Logging Facade for Java (SLF4J) serves as a simple facade or abstraction for various logging frameworks, allowing the end user to plug in the desired logging framework at deploymen time.
SLF4J plugin; Logging environment plugin of your choosing which must match the SL4J API JAR release level included in your class path.Available logging frameworks are Log4J, LogBack, Logback, Java Util Logging, Simple, and None.
Apache Commons Lang3; we internally use the 3.1 release but there is no absolute need for that level. You can substitute the appropriate release for your environment.Per the Apache Commons web site: Provides highly reusable static utility methods, chiefly concerned with adding value to the java.lang classes.
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