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Test File Downloads

X9 Test File Downloads provides some sample files that may be useful as a learning exercise, and especially as an example of the valid file formats. There is tremendous value to be obtained from valid test files. We have found this to be a gap within the overall industry, where there is access to file layouts and specifications, but there is extremely limited access to legitimate test files. From a technical perspective, this is very frustrating, since it is then very difficult to get started on a new “ground zero” project. It is somewhat of a “catch-22” situation, where you need a data file to get started, and it is difficult to find files that are public and can be downloaded.

The major underlying reason behind this gap is that organizations cannot share their test data due to proprietary and confidentiality issues. This problem originates from the lack of tools to create test data in the first place. X9Ware has worked hard to bridge that gap with our X9Assist desktop tool, that is capable of creating test files in any of the financial formats that we support (this is currently X9.37, ACH, and CPA005).

To help address this issue, X9Ware is making test files publicly available for download. These files have been created by X9Assist (using test cases from Excel) and do not contain any proprietary information for any bank or any individual. The files and transactions that are provided here are purposefully generic in nature. We hope that you find these test files useful. Please let us know of additional use case scenarios that you would find helpful.

X9.37 DSTU forward presentment file. The DSTU is the original x9.37 specification, introduced in 2003, and is the commonly used image exchange standard.

X9.100-187+UCD (Universal Companion Document) forward presentment. This file format is used to provide captured items to your processor or financial institution. It contains debits only (it does not contain an offsetting credit).

X9.100-187+UCD (Universal Companion Document) returns. This file format is used by your processor or financial institution to provide exceptions (returns). Each item includes a return reason and the original addenda (endorsement) chain that was attached to each item from their forward presentment file.

X9.100-180 forward presentment file. Due to its rather late introduction and inherent complexity, x9.100-180 is largely unused by most financial institutions. X9Ware provides support for X9.100-180-2006 and X9.100-180-2016.

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