Need to repair file trailer totals? Our products offer more value than the competition, and are trusted by more than 80% of the top-20 financial institutions in North America. Connect with us at and start a free evaluation today.

Fintech Support


All Fintechs seek to improve and automate the delivery and use of financial services. X9Ware can help in this mission by providing proven and cost effective X9.37 and ACH tools that are already used throughout the industry. Fintechs can leverage the existing functionality of X9Ware products, allowing them to focus on their value added capabilities, targeted specifically to their business model.

Virtually all of the our product line (Desktop tools, X9Utilities, and the SDK) are extremely suitable and can serve as building blocks for today’s Fintech companies. X9Ware has our tools running today, in Cloud based environments, by existing Fintech clients. We can have the products and experience to get you up and running very quickly.

Our Tools

The entire X9Ware product line is applicable to Fintechs. Here is a brief description of how the can be utilized.

Desktop ToolsX9Assist (x9.37 files), AchAssist (ACH files) and X9AssistPlus (dual support for x9.37 + ACH files) can be used in support of these file types. These are very flexible tools that include a wide variety of capabilities including browse, validate, find, search/replace, modify, make/generate, create, merge, compare, etc. These desktop tools can be used when working with financial institutions, as part of on-boarding, development, and ongoing operations.
X9UtilitiesX9Utilities is a command line (batch) utility environment which supports a variety of functions to facilitate commonly required x9 file processing. The following specific functions are currently implemented within X9Utilities provides an extremely high level functionality for x9 users who need to read and write x9 files from their internal applications, but do not require the more extensive integration and development complexities that are typically associated with implementing an SDK based application. Why acquire and use more complex and expensive tools than you really need? If you need to read and write x9 files, then X9Utilities is the best tool for the job at hand. Since X9Utilities is implemented as a command line EXE, it can be invoked from Java, C++, and .Net environments.

We have developed certain functions that are very applicable to Fintechs. These include write (creating new x9.37 files), split (forward presentment or returns file) based on field values within either header or data records, update that can find/replace values on an individual record/field basis, and export/exportCsv that can export x9.37 files to their component data+image values. Images can be export to TIFF, converted to other image formats (PNG, JPG, BMP) or embedded in the output as Base64 strings.
SDKX9Ware offers a developer SDK (software development kit) which provides read/write access to x9+ach files at both the record and individual field level. The SDK is 100% Java and allows user applications to be quickly and easily developed, tested, and implemented. We believe that our SDK has excellent capabilities and performance, when compared to any other tool you will find within the industry.

Our validation engine (which supports both x9 and ach file formats) and associated rules are built into the SDK and can be leveraged by user implementations.

The SDK contains many ancillary and advanced x9 functions for the developer such as TIFF image draw and IRD creation. Our SDK is a proven product with customer implementations in Windows, Linux, and AIX. We have customer implementation using the Oracle JDK, various Open JDKs, as well as more complex environments such as WebSphere. The SDK supports full multi-threaded processing within a server environment.
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