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Code Line Match

to X9Vision?
to X9Validator?
to X9Assist?
| |Applies
to X9.37?
to ACH?
to CPA005?
NoNoYes| |YesNoNo

Code line match analyzes and compares the data fields within the item records against a code line that is extracted from the front image using OCR recognition techniques. Code line match will report exceptions where the data extracted from the front side image does not appear to logically match the data that is contained within the x9 item record (record types 25, 31, 61, or 62).

Code Line Match (CLM) tests can be optionally applied as part of file loading. This selection is made from the tool bar and must be set before an x9 file is loaded. Once set, code line match test are then active and will be applied during file ingestion.

Our CLM tests are designed to identify image mismatch conditions which can unfortunately be created during capture and processing, where the front side image for an item is not associated with the x9 data record. Many times, there is a one item offset (within the file) between data and image. Although this is an extremely infrequent condition, it creates extreme privacy issues from a processor and customer perspective. When such conditions exist, it is imperative to have tools that will identify the extent of the issue so appropriate correction actions can be taken.


Code line match detection is a difficult process, since the code line must be extracted from the image using OCR techniques to facilitate the compare. Our matching algorithms are X9Ware proprietary since a variety of conditions complicate the process. This includes the potential for digit misreads in the original x9 captured data as well as incomplete OCR recognition from the image data. There are other situations that contribute the this complexity including formatting issues (eg, embedded blanks and dashes) and incomplete original capture. Our CLM compare takes these differences into consideration with the goal of minimizing false positives.

CLM Suspect Review

A validation error will be generated and attached to the item record (type 25, 31, 61, 62) when a CLM suspect has been explicitly identified. These errors must then be reviewed to determine if there is an actual mismatch condition, or if it is instead a false positive.

CLM automatically creates a pick list of the items that fail code line match. From within this pick list, you can then launch the Item Viewer to review each item that has failed code line match. This process is greatly facilitated by the option to append x9 data to the front image (this option is selected from the action bar at the bottom of the panel). The remove button can be used to drop any items that are false positives.

Creating a Modified X9 File

Our pick list tools can be used to:

  • Review items within the list
  • Remove false positives from the list
  • Add new items to the list.

Once the list of suspects has been finalized, a new x9 file can be created from the current x9 file without the code line mismatch items. This is done by using our pick list tools to remove the identified mismatch items from the x9 file. Once that removal is complete, the remaining items can be written to a new x9 output file.

CLM Use During On-Boarding

Although CLM tools are essential when you have an identified code line mismatch event, they are also very useful as a supporting test during on-boarding of new image exchange partners. CLM is yet another validation test that can be applied to new customer files to ensure that data and images have been properly captured and formatted for exchange by your new file originator.

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